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Search Results
Test Code Test Name Also Known As
e377dde6-c1a2-4823-92a9-6032f80286d4 YCHROM Chromosome Analysis, Y Chromosome Microdeletion Y Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis
4d79d782-5cd1-40fe-9677-5170b2fcedbb CYEAS Yeast Culture
24c38e47-ce93-4ea4-8def-8336776ec952 YENTAB Yersinia enterocolitica Antibodies, IgA and IgG Y.enterocolitica Abs, Yersinia IgA & IgG by Immunoblot
ed26b06b-2ba2-4e61-8c82-e6f71654a1d2 PLAGAB Yersinia pestis Anitibodies (Plague) PLAGAB, Plague Tularemia Antibody, Yersinia pestis Ab