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Test Code | Test Name | Also Known As |
SF5MTH | 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, CSF | |
SFADE | Adenosine Deaminase in CSF | |
SFALB | Albumin, CSF | Albumin, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Cerebrospinal Fluid Albumin, CSF Albumin |
SFAA | Amino Acids Quantitative by LC-MS/MS, CSF | CSF amino acids |
SFACE | Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, CSF | ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme, CSF), Angiotensin Converting Enzyme,CSF, Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme, Angiotensin-I-converting Enzyme, SACE, SFACE |
SFBORB | B. burgdorferi w/ref | Lyme Disease CSF Abs Reflex Panel |
STONE | Calculi (Stone) Analysis | Bile Stone, Calculi (Stone) Analysis, Kidney Stone, Renal Stone, Stone (Calculi) Analysis, Urinary Tract Stone |
SFCC | Cell Count, CSF | Cell Count, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Cell Count, CSF, Cerebrospinal Fluid Cell Count, CSF Analysis, CSF Cell count, CSF count, Lumbar Puncture, SFCT, Spinal Fluid Analysis, Spinal Fluid Cell Count |
SFLCS | Cell Count, Leukemic Cell Screen | CSF Leukemic Cell Screen, Malignant Cell Screen |
STDAMP | Chlamydia trachomatis & Neisseria gonorrhoeae by Nucleic Acid Amplification | Chlamydia/GC by Nucleic Acid Amplification, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae by Nucleic Acid Amplification, STDAMP |
SALCOR | Cortisol,Saliva | |
SFPAN | CSF Panel | |
STLPCR | Fecal Pathogens PCR | Molecular Stool Culture Replacement PCR |
SFFTA | FTA-ABS (Treponema pallidum) Antibodies, IgG, CSF | Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody , Treponema Pallidum Total Abs |
SFGLU | Glucose, CSF | Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Glucose , Glucose, CSF, Spinal Fluid Glucose |
SYNGLU | Glucose, Synovial Fluid | Glucose, Synovial |
SA1PLT | HLA C1 Platelet Ab | HLA C1 Plt Ab Only, HLA Class I Platelet Antibody no reflex |
SFLACT | Lactate,CSF | Lactate (Lactic Acid, CSF) |
SYNLAC | Lactic Acid, Synovial Fluid | Lactate, Synovial Fluid, Lactic Acid, Synovial Fluid |
SYNLDH | LDH, Synovial Fluid | Lactate Dehydrogenase Synovial Fluid, LD, LDH |
SFLIST | Listeria Antibody, CF (CSF) | Listeria Antibody CSF |
SPEMM | Monoclonal Protein Monitoring, Serum | Electrophoresis, IFE, Immunofixation, Immunotyping, Protein Electrophoresis, Serum Immunofixation Electrophoresis, Serum Protein Electrophoresis, SPE, SPEP |
SPESC | Monoclonal Protein Screen, Serum | Electrophoresis, FLC, Free Light Chains, IFE, Immnofixation, Immunotyping, kappa light chains, lambda light chains, light chains, rotein Electrophoresis, Serum Immunofixation Electrophoresis, Serum Protein Electrophoresis, SPE, SPEP |
SFNMDA | N-methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Antibody, IgG, CSF with Reflex to Titer | Anti-NMDA CSF, Glutamate Receptor Antibodies |
SFNTM | Neurotransmitter Metabolites, CSF | |
SATMNA | O2 Sat Meas | |
SATMNC | O2 Sat Meas | |
SATMNV | O2 Sat Meas | |
SATM | O2 Saturation | Measured O2 Sat, pO2 Measured Saturation |
SFOLIG | Oligoclonal Banding, CSF & Serum | Multiple Sclerosis Panel without Myelin Basic Protein, OLIG, Oligoclonal Band |
SA1PTX | Post Transplant Class I Single Antigen Antibody Identification by Luminex | PRA SA CI ABS PTX-L |
SA2PTX | Post Transplant Class II Single Antigen Antibody Identification by Luminex | PRA SA CII ABS PTX-L |
S12PTX | Post Transplant Cytotoxic HLA antibody screen | ( replaces ABPTX ), HLA Ab Scr L Pst TXP, HLA Ab Scrn PostTXP, Post Transplant Antibody Screen by Luminex |
SFPEL | Protein Electrophoresis, CSF | Electrophoresis, Protein, Protein Electrophoresis, CSF |
SFTP | Protein, Total, CSF | Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Protein, Protein, CSF, Protein, Total, CSF, Spinal Fluid Protein, Total Protein CSF |
SFPYR | Pyruvate, CSF | Pyruvic Acid |
STPN23 | S Pneumo Ab IgG,23 | , pneumo conjugate vaccine, Pneumo polysaccharide vaccine, S. Pneumoniae Vaccine, Strep Antibodies 23 serotypes, Strep Pneumo Antibodies, Strep Pneumoniae Antibody, Strep Vaccine |
S100B | S100B Tumor Marker | S-100B Protein, Serum |
SCPAN | Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibodies, IgG & IgA | ASCA (Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibodies, IgG & IgA), IBD Antibodies (Saccharomyces cerevisiae Antibodies, IgG & IgA) , Saccharomyces Cerevisiae |
SALI | Salicylate | Acetylsalicylic Acid, Blood, Aspirin, ASA, Aspirin, Blood, Salicylic Acid, Blood |
WIDAL | Salmonella typhi and paratyphi Antibodies | S typhi H and O antibodies, S. typhii, s. paratyphi antibodies, Salmonella typhi Antibodies, Widal Salmonella Agglutinins |
SCL | Scl-70 (Scleroderma) Antibodies | Anti-Scl 70, ANTI-Scleroderma 70, Antiscleroderma - 70 Antibodies, SCL, SCL-70, Scleroderma, Scleroderma (Scl-70) (ENA) Antibody, IgG , Scleroderma Antibody, Topoisomerase I Antibody |
SHP | Sedative Hypnotic Panel (Date Rape Panel) | Date Rape Panel, Sedative Hypnotic Panel |
SES | Selenium, Serum or Plasma | Se |
SNPPN | Sensory Neuropathy Ab Panel with Reflex to Titer and Neuronal Immunoblot | ANNA IgG, MAG IgM, Neuronal Nucelar IgG Abs, Purkinje Cell IgG Screen, Purkinje Cell Titer, SGPG IgM |
SEROQL | Seroquel | Quetiapine, Seroquel |
SRA | Serotonin Release Assay | Heparin Dependent Platelet Antibody Serotonin Release Assay, Low Molecular Weight Heparin Dependent Antiibody Serotonin Release Assay, Porcine Heparin , Serotonin Release Assay (Heparin Dependent Platelet Antibody), Unfractionated Heparin , SRA UFH , Unfractionated Heparin |
SERO | Serotonin, Serum | 5-HT, 5-Hydroxytryptamine, SERO |
WBSERO | Serotonin, Whole Blood | 5-HT, Whole Blood, 5-Hydroxytryptamine, Serotonin, Whole Blood |
SERTR | Sertraline S/P |