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Test Code | Test Name | Also Known As | |
e5a49453-f91d-4f16-8a52-da627dc1a521 | Q10 | Coenzyme Q10, Total | CoQ10, Total Coenzyme Q10 |
c49da267-cd5d-4016-a91d-77b9ad00b00b | QFEVAB | Coxiella burnetti Antibodies, IgG & IgM with Reflex to Titer | Coxiella burnetii (Q-Fever) Antibodies, IgG and IgM, Phase I and II with Reflex to Titer, Coxiella burnetti Antibodies, Coxiella Titer, Febrile Agglutinins, OX-19 (Proteus OX-19 - Weil-Felix), OX-2 (Proteus OX-2 - Weil-Felix), OX-K (Proteus OX-K - Weil-Felix), Proteus (Weil-Felix), Q Fever Phase I IFA, Q Fever Phase II IFA, Rickettsial Antibody, Typhus, Weil-Felix |
af095f4f-61a9-4e83-97a2-3dff5751c90e | CMVQAL | Qualitative Cytomegalovirus by PCR | CMV, CMV PCR, Cytomegalovirus, Cytomegalovirus PCR, Qualitative Cytomegalovirus |
5ce6d740-ce6a-479c-98b4-bcf3353116c1 | TBGPLS | Quantiferon TB Gold+ | IGRA, Interferon Gamma Release Assay, TB Gold, TB Gold Plus, TBGOLD, TBGOLD+, Tuberculosis Test |
f3e51508-5de8-4fd3-b8c6-20a24384590c | QUINID | Quinidine | Cardioquin, Duraquin, QUIN, QUINID |